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Sabbath School Lessons

Sabbath School Lesson
Country Field

Trimestre actual 2019




   The Lord has "set" in the church various positions and gifted persons as He has sovereignly determined. These include apostles and prophets, as well as teachers and others gifted by the Lord for the benefit of the Body of Christ.     In fact, every disciple of the Lord has at least one gift or talent that he or she is expected to serve the Lord and others with. The more ability a person has been given, the more will be required of her or him by the Lord.     This set of lessons especially emphasizes the ministry of the apostles in the early church, but it also hopefully challenges us to greater service for the Lord. May God's people rise to these challenges together, and faithfully do His work  through their God-given assignments!

La Iglesia de Dios The Sabbath School Lessons es una publicación trimestral que contiene lecciones de estudio utilizadas para profundizar nuestra comprensión de la palabra de Dios.


Los folletos de la Escuela de lecciones sabáticas de la Iglesia de Dios (USPS No. 560-980) se publican trimestralmente, un mes antes del comienzo de cada nuevo trimestre por:


The Church of God Publishing House

P O Box 328, Salem, WV 26426-0328.


  • 1 de marzo

  • 1 de junio

  • 1 de septiembre

  • 1 de diciembre


Haga clic en los enlaces para descargar Lecciones de Escuela Sabática.


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Sabbath School Lessons

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